I am Matthew Haugsness, a graphic designer based in Missouri. I was originally from Wisconsin, but moved to Ohio for 2 years before moving to Missouri. As a kid, I always loved to draw and creature designs always captivated me. I drew tons of different creatures, characters, and landscapes.
In middle school, I joined the robotics team for a competition called BotBall. We had to create a robot using Lego Technical pieces in order to complete multiple tasks in the play field. During this time, my personal World building project known as Voyage would start to take shape. When I went into high school, I decided to take a course in a tech school for Precision Machining. After 2 years, it was time to decide whether to peruse that path or choose another.
I debated on going to college for electrical engineering or graphic design. After tons of nights thinking about it, I decided to go with graphic design as I am more knowledgeable on it since my childhood was surrounded by art. Now I plan to work as a graphic designer while working on Voyage on the side as my passion project.